Let's remake the lives of these families?

Let's remake the lives of these families?

Donate US$ 60 monthly
(US$ 2 per day)

Provide monthly transportation for 15 impoverished families

Donate US$ 140 monthly
(US$ 4.67 per day)

Donate a monthly stock of milk for 5
children in need

Give anything you can
(monthly or unique donations) 

Help us feed and provide humanitarian and medical assistance to our children
See how you can donate:
Donate via PIX
(Instant bank transfer, valid only in Brazil)
00951676000160 (CNPJ Key)
Bank Deposit Info
Name: Banco do Brasil
Agency nr. 1569-5
Account nr. 16688-0
CNPJ (Institution legal number): 00.951.676/0001-60
Refazer Grupo de Apoio à Criança e ao Adolescente
Credit Card and Paypal
Click here to donate any amount via credit card or Paypal (account required)

You can help minimize the suffering of families who, in addition to poverty, live with the worst of difficulties: serious illness.